Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MVM) School, Guwahati is a part of Maharishi Global Education Movement. In India Maharishi Vidya Mandir School chain is one of the largest school systems with 153 branches in 15 states. About 6000 teaching, administrative and support staff are busy training as many as 80000 students from KG to 12th standard. The school is running under the Society MAHARISHI SHIKSHA SANSTHAN and the Registration is valid upto 99 years.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Guwahati has been established in the year 2002 and is situated Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III area of Guwahati in 2.0 acres of land with vast infrastructure, state of the art facilities including audio visual teaching system, computers, library, reading room, music room, art room, Transcendental Meditation hall, yoga hall etc.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Guwahati like all other Maharishi Institutions is established to introduce Maharishiji's Consciousness Based Education System in mainstream school education to its students. This system (MCBE) has been tried, implemented successfully and is repeatedly verified by over 700 scientific research studies conducted in 215 universities and independent research institutions of 35 countries. These studies have been published in 6 volumes and have documented the remarkable benefits of Consciousness Based Education e.g. greater use of intelligence, superior brain wave functioning, faster learning ability, faster reaction time, coherent thought process, longer retention of knowledge, improved health and reversal of aging.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Guwahati is affiliated to CBSE Delhi (Nursery to XIIth). The school has obtained NOC No. GIS/NOC/12/2008/Pt-1/110 on 15/07/2013 from the C.B.S.E. The school has a unique approach to complete and holistic education. The genius of Maharishi school curriculum is that every student studying different subjects identified by the NCERT and Central Board of Secondary Education, seamlessly integrates these with Supreme Science of Life–Vedic Science and Technology.
All students practice Yog, Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and Advance Techniques, to attain higher states of consciousness. This scientific approach to train and balance correlation between mind, body and consciousness has received wide appreciation from parents and they have acknowledged the substantial improvement in their wards.
In the words of Maharishi Ji, 'the roots of modern day problems are the incomplete growth of human brain because of incomplete, fragmented education. The education is incomplete when the student is not able to utilize or develop the creative brain potential, thereby allowing imbalances to creep in.
‘The dissatisfaction created by the failure is nothing but an outcome of cumulative stress and strain due to gross violation of the laws of Nature. Thereby, it is essential to take the knowledge through education to pure consciousness level, where all the laws of Nature are aligned. This facilitates every student to adhere to the Laws of Nature and to realise an ideal and successful environment’.
To fulfill this aim, Maharishi Vidya Mandir schools are establishing the value of pure consciousness in all the students across the country, thereby not only helping the students to acquire conventional knowledge for gaining professional skills but also for implementing their total knowledge of natural law in personal life. This allows a student to lead a stress-free and strain free life to accomplish their desires without any difficulty. The aim is to allow each generation to enjoy fruits of all knowledge and with its own accomplished life can enliven the whole world consciousness and play again the role of Jagat Guru.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III have significant accomplishments in Annual Year 2020-21 under the able, motivating and proactive leadership of School authorities, being ably supported by its proficient teaching faculties in line with the philosophical ethics and values tendered by teachings of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji. Keeping the same in view, children at Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III, are implemented with valued knowledge which helps them to widen their knowledge through a healthy competition and team spirit, which facilitate them to emerge as a responsible and leader in their own sphere.
Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III comprises of well qualified, scholarly, cultured and emphatic teachers who always shows the zeal to guide their students with their expertise to meet their educational values and ethos. The Institution is fortunate to have such a teaching faculty who are ever eager to improvise and adapt new challenges and demands so as to bring out the best in their students, which fact becomes eminent from their adaptability to the online teaching mode which becomes the prominent way of teaching during the period of pandemic.
The goal of all activities is to enhance students' understanding, skill or effectiveness in a specific area of engaging multiple style of learning. With this object in view, Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III serves to infusion into learning as well as bolster student confidence and ability to think critically. In this line, Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III had Eco Club, Maths Club, Science Club and Health and Wellness clubs which cater to their all round growth. In addition, inter house competitions like poetry recitation (Hindi, English and Assamese), Story Writing and Storytelling (English), Debate in English, Hindi and Sanskrit, Quiz on various topics including current affairs, display board competitions, spelling bee competitions had been conducted amongst students of Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III by clubbing them into four houses. Further, value based education and life skill training is imparted amongst the students to make them socially and morally aware about their responsibilities towards the society. Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III, despite conducting such competitions, had laid its emphasis on academic performances by way of remedial teachings, extra classes, revision, unit tests, class tests, assignments, term end exams.
The goal of Co-curricular activities is to get a sense of adjustment in the personality of the student and it serves as a diversion from the monotonous activities of routine work but with the prime object of Child's development. With this object in view, Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III, strive to bring in social skills, intellectual skills. Moral values in our students by way of conducting event like card making, poster making , best out of waste, drawing competitions, singing competitions and dance competitions. Further, the best performer out of these events had brought laurels to our School at regional and National level meets of schools managed by Maharishi Siksha Sanstha.
For the survival and sustenance of mankind environment ought to be preserved and one amongst the others for doing so is to in calculate habits among students to love and preserve environment. With this objective in view, the Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III as reiterated above had formed as Eco club where students are nurtured with values and importance of how to preserve environment. In adherence to the same, when whole world was suffering from Pandemic arising out of Covid 19, our students through on line mode were taught with how to grow and cultivate plants and they were in calculated with the value based knowledge that their small contribution by planting a single sapling were somehow making them a part of a great cause, motive of which is to make this plant a beautiful place to live in with a sound and beautiful environment. In coherence to it, on 5th of June'21, the World Environment Day was celebrated through online mode and they were encouraged to lay emphasis on recycle process of waste products.
As the specific and technological developments have changed the structure of the society, which includes the careers primarily,Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III had emphasis on intellectual development of its students by conducting training, seminars and orientation for both its students and teachers in every academic year, since its inception, to improve their skills and implement innovative ideas in teaching learning process. However, this year, was an exception, as though these activities were accomplished but the mode was online in view of the pandemic. In addition, Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III had laid emphasis on counselling, as it intend to promote development interpersonal skills in its students to recognize their individual strengths and overcome their weaknesses. In the said connection, the Health and Wellness Club has been playing an important role in tang care of the overall mental, physical health of its students. To sum up, we at Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III have one Grievance Redressal Committee, which looks after the complaints of teachers and students so as to ensure safety and security for all its students and faculties.
"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", so in Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III , we rightly adhere to this saying and gives priority to games and sports. In fact, we at Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III install in individuals the calibre to withstand the different challenges that life offers, which makes them physically and mentally fit and our Physical Training Instructor had always been laying emphasis, even during pandemic through online mode on keeping a healthy and sound body by way of active involvement in sports related activities. In this connection, ample resources have been made available for the physical fitness of the students. Apart from outdoor games like, cricket, football, volleyball, kho-kho , badminton, there are facilities for indoor games like chess and carom etc. Above all, Yoga being an integral part of our educational system, we are conducting classes on Yoga on a regular basis through trained Yoga experts and even during pandemic, the Yoga classes were conducted through online mode.
We at Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III believed that celebration is a way to foster the values of national integration, different cultures and traditions, the values attached to it and to generate respect and tolerance for up-liftmen of huminity. Apart from the same, being a proud institution managed by a great Sanstha, we believed and we live to educate our students about great traditions which are associated with various celebrations, which make this Nation not only great but unique, as it spreads the great message to the World about Unity in diversity. In this regard, this year though through online mode,Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III celebrated Republic Day, Independance Day, International Yoga Day, Teachers Day, World Environment Day, Regional festivals like Bihu etc and various religious festivals like Holi etc.
Learning by doing is a great way to learn but this year the tours and trips had to be skipped due to pandemic arising out of Covid 19.
The presents session and the previous seesion show a switch from regular classes in the school to online classes at home. As a result, education has changed dramatically whereby teaching is being done through digital platform. At Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III, regular live online classes are conducted through Google Meet and Zoom App. Apart from the same, Google classroom and Whats App group had also been created, whereby students are provided with study materials and they are given home works. It is seen that both students and teachers have adjusted themselves to the new ways of learning and teachings.
The purpose of this association is to develop a cordial relationship between parents of the students and the faculties for a better understanding and overall growth and development of the students. In this connection, we at Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III, are organizing such meets on monthly basis, though this year same was conducted through online mode. Such meets had yielded positive results and we at Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III believe to conduct such meets in future as well. SMCACTIVITIES: Due to Covid 19 situation student's educations has been badly affected. Various steps taken by Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III to provide a effective education in these challenging time are Zoom classes, Google Meet online sending of work via PDF files in Google classrooms, co-ordination with parents and students through Whats App groups. Further, strictures laid down by Government were strictly adhered to by Maharishi Vidya Mandir-III, not only towards conducting of classes but also towards relaxation of fee. Special emphasis is given towards larger participation of students in both co-curricular and extracurricular activities in online classes, so as to help them in completion of their assessment to its fullest as per norms stipulated by CBSE.
With this I would like to conclude with special thanks to our Management who had time and again supported us in all thick and thin and had encouraged us as an institution to grow. We believe that we as an institution with the values that is added to us will keep on shining by adhering to the values tendered by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji. Last but not the least I would like to thank all my faculties and my supporting staff for their untiring efforts and dedication towards this institution. Finally, would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to our respected Chairman for all his support. Thank you all...